Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 11 March, 2024

  1. Information Collection:

    1. User Provided Information: We collect information provided by users during the registration process, including but not limited to names, email addresses, and profile information.
    2. Uploaded Content: Users may upload PDF files and engage in forum discussions, generating content stored on our servers.
  2. Use of Information:

    1. Service Provision: We use collected information to provide and enhance our services, including facilitating PDF-based conversations and forum interactions.
    2. Communication: Users may receive emails related to account notifications, updates, and other relevant information.
  3. Data Security:

    1. We implement industry-standard security measures to protect user data against unauthorized access or disclosure.
    2. Despite our efforts, no method of data transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure. Users acknowledge the inherent risks.
  4. Third-Party Services:

    We may use third-party services to assist in providing our services. These services have their own privacy policies, and users are encouraged to review them.

  5. Cookies:

    We use cookies to enhance user experience and track usage patterns. Users can control cookie preferences through their browser settings.

  6. Data Retention:

    1. We retain user data as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy or as required by law.
    2. Users can request the deletion of their account and associated data.
  7. Children's Privacy:

    Our services are not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children.

  8. Changes to Privacy Policy:

    We reserve the right to update this privacy policy. Users will be notified of any significant changes.

  9. User Choices:

    Users can update their account information and preferences through the platform's settings.

  10. Contact Information:

    For any inquiries or concerns regarding this privacy policy, users can contact us at [email protected]

By using, users agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. It is recommended to review this policy regularly for updates.